Sunday, July 17, 2022

An Open Letter To Female Youth Who Are Pregnant as a Result of a Rape

    I want to tell any young woman who finds herself pregnant as the result of a rape that they are survivors first and foremost. The rapist took your body and made you pregnant against your will. You were forced into that situation. Choices were taken away from you. That was evil and wrong. 

   I want to tell you that if you decide to have that baby, you could be a great mother. Even babies conceived in rape can go on to be wonderful people. In many cultures around the world, young women your age parent their children freely. Jesus's mother was only a teenager. If you want to be a teenage mother, then you will be great. Everyone should see you as a hero for making a difficult choice in a tough situation and rally around you. That is important and brave and strong.

   I want to tell you that if you decide to have an abortion, that is a heroic choice too. Women have fought long and hard to have the right to an abortion and no man who implants his seed in you against your will should get the luxury of you carrying his child against your will if you do not want that. You can go back to normal as much as you can (although of course these situations change people) and everyone should see you as a hero and rally around you for standing up for your right to choose not to let a man put something where it wasn't supposed to be. That is important and brave and strong.

   I don't want you to listen to politicians or activists or doctors or parents who all have an opinion. I don't want you to take your cue from the Supreme Court. I want you to make the right choice for you in accordance with your values and lifestyle. I want you to think "What do I want?" and go from there. And I want all of us to support you in whatever decision you make. This is what being a youth liberationist feminist looks like. And whatever you choose, we should all be proud of you. And God will be proud of you too.


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